In additon to any self-funding, there are four primary options for the funding or part funding of your ‘broad-acre’ planting of 1 ha or more, or for ‘enrichment’ planting: 

  1. One Billion Trees funding through the Te Uri Rākau/Ministry of Primary Industries.
  2. Selling certified carbon credits for forest land with is eligible under the Emisisons Trading Scheme.
  3. Participation in the Banks Peninsula Conservation Trust’s initiative to donate the costs of native trees for enrichment planting and carbon sequestration.
  4. Other existing funds.

One Billion Trees funding through Te Uri Rākau/Ministry of Primary Industries Direct landowner grants are available from the One Billion Trees Fund to contribute to the cost of planting and establishing trees and native revegetation The two categories of grants available are:

Type of planting Size Base rate Top up available/ha for fencing Top up available/ha for erosion prone land
Indigenous mix 1–300 ha $4,000 Up to $500 Up to $500
Natural regeneration 5–300 ha $1,000 Up to $500 Up to $500


For planting, you can apply for multiple areas within a single appication but each area must be at least 1 ha.

You will need to include a management plan with the applicatioin. For examples of a management plan and a planting plan see

For more information on eligibility and how to apply see or contact Alan McDonald, the Department of Conservation’s Principal Advisor, One Billion Trees Programme at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Certified carbon credits for Emissions Trading Scheme eligible land

A native forest can be either a planted or a naturally regenerated forest. To qualify for inclusion a native forest must have been established after 1989, on land that was not previously forest land i.e., pasture. The area must be larger than 1 hectare and the forest canopy must cover more than 30% of the ground, with the trees reaching at least 5 metres in height.

Determining what land is eligible and the establishment date can be difficult for naturally regenerating forests. For further information and advice on where to seek professional assistance contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Native tree planting and carbon sequestration scheme

Donations for the purchase, planting and management of native trees such as totara and matai can be made to BPCT who will manage the planting and maintenance process. We also know that native trees increasingly sequester carbon over time until they are mature.  By donating the funds for the purchase, planting, and management of these trees, you can mitigate or help offset your carbon emissions as those trees grow towards maturity.

This scheme allows you to estimate how many of these trees are required to grow to maturity to sequester sufficient carbon to mitigate or offset the carbon from various activities.

For more details of the scheme contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Other funding and support options include:

Preparing a property planting plan for larger scale revegetation

In order to secure funding for revegetation for 1 ha or more you will likely need to prepare a property planting plan. For more informaton on what these plans are how they relate to other simialr property or farm plans, are and how to prepare them, see Preparing a property planting plan for revegetation for 1 ha or more.